What are the requirements for registering a .corsica domain?

In order to register (or renew) a .CORSICA domain name, the applicant must meet at least one of the following criteria: - Legal entities/companies must be either headquartered in Corsica OR have a secondary establishment registered in Corsica. - Individuals may be either French or foreign citizens with a physical address valid on the territory of Corsica. - Individuals or entities who can prove a direct or indirect attachment (economic, social, cultural, familial, historical or otherwise) with Corsica. *Registrants might not be required to send proof at the time of registration. However, the registrant must meet the criteria throughout the entire life cycle of the domain name, to ensure this, the Registrar can at any time undertake an assessment of: - Eligibility criteria by a Registrant and ask said Registrant to provide material evidence of compliance with one of the three detailed eligibility criteria mentioned above. - Coordinates (name, address, contact information) which should be filled in the moment of registration (and updated by the Registrant when necessary). - .CORSICA Website content in particular view of the requirement to have at least a page of its website in Corsican language and to be related in some way to Corsica. Failure to respond within the time limit may result in suspension or cancellation of the domain name.

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