Find Domains in East Africa
You can now check domain names and extensions for individual countries in East Africa using our domain names search tool. Simply key in domain names or extensions for Kenya, Uganda, or Tanzania. You’ll be able to obtain Whois information on any domain name or extensions. In Uganda, .ug is the clear favorite for the majority of businesses while in Tanzania and Kenya .tz and .ke are the first choice among corporate firms and organizations. You can also lookup domain names for Eritrea (.dj), Ethiopia (.et), Djibouti, (.dj), or Congo republic. Our whois tool enables you to combine the country level domains with extensions for each country in East Africa to get information on just about any domain name that you want.
Find Domains in West Africa has made it easy for individuals and businesses to find available domains for specific countries in West Africa. Using the whois tool above, you can lookup available Internet country code top level domains (ccTLD) for Nigeria (.ng), Ghana (.gh), Gabon (.ga), Guinea (.gn), and Cameroon (.cm). Just enter the domain name that you want to look up ending with the country level domain and click the search whois button. You can also search extensions for any of the domains in West Africa and easily secure a unique identity online.
Find Domains in South Africa
At, you can easily search for available domain names in any country in Southern Africa. Using our simple and effective domain check tool, you can lookup domain names for South Africa(.za), Namibia(.na), Zambia (.zm), Malawi (.mw), or Angola (.ao). Everyone has open access to information about the domain name registrant as well as the registration and expiry dates of any domain. With any of the above country level domain names, you can reach and engage audience in any country in South Africa.
Find Domains in North Africa
Why not start your search for available domain names for Egypt(.eg), Morocco (.mo), Algeria (.dz), Libya (.ly), or Tunisia (.tn) using our free WHOIS Lookup tool? Our utility tool adheres to ICANN regulations and provides key information about any domain name or extension. You’ll find invaluable information about the administrative contact (phone/email/ZIP), billing contact, and the expiration date for any domain name. With all Whois search information about individual countries only a click away, you can start your quest for registration and domain ownership quickly.